There was a moment of silence between heaven and earth. Li Pingan and others slowly straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief. They quickly walked towards the front yard hall.

Just out of the back yard, I saw Bai Xiaochun coming out with a full face of laughter and fart.
Bai Xiaochun saw that Li Pingan and others were puzzled and asked, "Master, why are you here?"
Li Pingan coughed and said, "Give Dao Zuxiang!"
Walking through Bai Xiaochun’s side towards the hall, the younger brothers hurriedly followed him into the hall.
Bai Xiaochun scratched his head and wondered, "It’s strange that Master and they didn’t offend Daozu, so they suddenly remembered to give Daozu incense."
A moment later, Li Pingan and others walked out of the hall and everyone looked unnatural, especially when Shi Hao and Ning acetylene looked at Bai Xiaochun with full vigilance.
Bai Xiaochun’s face has subsided and he cried with a smile, "Master Daozu seems to have forgiven me."
Li Pingan nodded gratified and said, "Very good! Say that Zu still loves you. "
Bai Xiaochun nodded proudly and said, "I think so, too."
Li Pingan said, "Go home!"
Bai Xiaochun asked with a smug expression, "Where are you going?"
"Go back and forth from where!"
Bai Xiaochun felt a panic in his heart and quickly said, "Master … Master, don’t you want me?"
Li Pingan took the dusting handle and slammed Bai Xiaochun’s first knock and said, "What do you want? Go back and seal the Buddha. You are the Buddha’s master. All the Buddhists are sealed by you. It has its own induction. "
"ouch ~" Bai Xiaochun holding the head hurriedly ran toward the outside.
At the same time, Shi Hao and Ning Ying called "Brother Wait!"
Two people glances at the same time towards Bai Xiaochun floating body to recover figure a flash Bai Xiaochun around took Bai Xiaochun neck respectively.
Bai Xiaochun asked doubtfully, "What do you mean, two brothers?"
Shi Hao patted his chest and said with a face of battle righteousness, "Brother and brother are worried that the morning gods will make trouble and plan to go with you to protect you."
Ning acetylene nodded indifferently and said, "That’s what I think."
Bai Xiaochun no doubt he walked over and said, "Brother, rest assured! They have all been accepted by me. There is no danger. "
Shi Hao said solemnly, "Teacher younger brother, this is bad! Is it so easy for the morning god to dominate for billions of years? And they were afraid they would play some tricks to paralyze teacher younger brother. "
Ning acetylene nodded and said, "I think so, too."
Chapter five hundred and seventy-five Dawn in the flood again
Conspiracy? Bai Xiaochun murmured a rapid beating in his heart, "No? I think they are quite sincere! "
Shi Hao said seriously, "Maybe some angels of the Morning God really accepted the Buddhist teachings of the younger brother, but there are certainly some angels who are going to give the younger brother a fatal blow in their life."
For this teacher younger brother Shi Hao, I know better, but I am afraid of death. Bai Xiaochun is lazy and lazy. Bai Xiaochun is even more afraid of death, and he is not willing to do it.
Ning acetylene nodded and said indifferently, "That’s what I think."
Bai Xiaochun was told by Shi Hao that there was a drum in his heart. No? ! There are spies hiding among my followers? It’s best for me to have a heat flow in my heart.
Bai Xiaochun said with a moved face, "Brother and younger brother, it’s really good for me to think about you everywhere. If I am a cow and a horse for the time being, I will definitely pull weeds for you to eat."
Shi Haoning acetylene choked and pulled weeds for us to eat? Sure enough, this is very white and pure.
Shi Hao said, "I’ll thank you instead of the third teacher younger brother!" Now let’s go. "
Ning acetylene took a look at Shi Hao instead of me? Why don’t you replace yourself? !
Bai Xiaochun nodding said "good! Let’s go. "
Three people out of the Sanqing view, walking on clouds and disappearing into the sky.
Three people just walk clear rain snow a laugh and said, "no, I can’t help it.
If you are a cow and a horse, I will pull weeds for you. Bai Xiaochun is really good to his brothers and sisters. "
Qing Xue also choked back a smile and said, "Master Qing Shi and Qing Shi, what must we go to the morning god with purity?" It shouldn’t be as simple as pure heart and safety? "
Li Pingan also said with a smile, "Of course not. They went to find out the truth of Buddhism and were surpassed by purity and then severely punished by Daozu."
Qingxue was surprised and said, "Are they afraid?"
Li Pingan nodded and said, "After all, the Morning God is deeply rooted in Buddhism and absorbed by the Morning God, which naturally makes them a little worried."
Qing Xue said thoughtfully, "Will Master Buddhism surpass heaven and hell?"
Li Pingan shook his head and said, "I don’t know!"
How could master not know when Qingxue was stupefied?
Li Pingan explained, "Because the Buddha is pure!
Although the Buddhist heritage is profound, it’s hard to say whether the pure leadership of Buddhism can rise. He is the most … the most surprising of many younger brothers. "
Clear snow and clear rain are all recognized and nodded. Pure not only likes an alchemist, but also likes to be dead deep and suddenly feel pity for the angel of the morning god. They won’t be spoiled by pure, will they? !