The bucket is surrounded by thousands of stars …

Tian Shu courtyard stars mother tree stands in the sky …
Controversy over the details is a taboo in heaven, and maybe the whole heaven will collapse because of random shots.
The blood-toothed Buddha in the sky seems to be calm to hold back his anger. "What do you say?"
Zhou Tianjun looked at the giant hand entangled in the chain and opened his mouth. "Why don’t you … hold on a little longer?"
The present situation is really embarrassing.
Open the Buddha was trapped here, and seeing the fierce appearance of those bundles of fairy locks turned out to be a virtual suppression.
It seems that Zhou Tianjun, who expected the blood tooth Buddha to be angry, hurriedly explained, "This heavenly prison is obviously out of control. The official has sent someone to invite the Buddha to look at the mother tree of the stars, which is the treasure center of heaven, so that it can be stopped …"
He patiently explained it.
I’m really afraid that this bloody tooth Buddha doesn’t know the weight of heaven. Although it’s powerful, it’s hard to be damaged even if it’s pressed.
The disappearance of many celestial projections in the world is still a trivial matter, and no one can bear the consequences if the heaven collapses.
At this time, Wang Xuan also slowly woke up …
Chapter six hundred and sixty Qiaoyan Town Buddha notoriety for nine days
Heaven and earth are forever away, a brake and a ephemera.
Wang Xuan opened his eyes and felt that this world was very different.
He seems to have jumped out of some kind of shackles, and there is no arrogance from body and mind to soul.
It’s like a mayfly trapped in water for three years and once it rises with the wind.
The difference is that the ephemera is short and gorgeous, and one day he breaks the cocoon into a butterfly.
The wings are the Mandala of the Mixed Stars.
At last, the practice of this Dafa was completed, and a round of circular light method was presented and slowly rotated behind it.
Right in the center is a treasure tree burning with sun, moon and stars.
Ah Fu and Xiao Bai Xing Long curled up and slept, and the ball of real fire ran around the treasure tree like some totem.
Further outward, the original ten evil wheels of Yin and Yang have been completely melted, and the Tai Chi ball, Yin and Yang fish eyes all have the patterns of the Taiyin Sun, which are also slowly rotating, harmonious and perfect.
And the outermost layer is a silver awn with little stars gathering.
Every point of this star mountain was once a star, and the stars can be used to display the extraordinary power of falling stars.
At the beginning, each of his stars could surround nine, so ninety was the limit.
Now this boundary has been broken.
There are already more than thousands of stars in the outer layer of the circular light method, and there are pure sun, true fire and true fire stars in the Taiyin.
It looks beautiful but contains conan the destroyer Wei.
This is a large array of stars accumulated by the three precious trees in the past hundred years.
It’s a pity that Wang Xuan’s body is so powerful that it can be used as a magic weapon.
One day, the body can incorporate Zhu Xing, that is, when the sun and the moon are immortal.
At the same time, the second deduction of the Heaven Deduction Disk "The Mandala of the Mixed Stars" has also reached 53%
This is a one-step key
If he wants to go to the virtual face to face with many innate gods, the mandala mandala can be continuously optimized and finally reach the embryonic form of the world
Everything has moved towards the fast lane …
Wang Xuan was happy in his heart, but then his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.
He has already discovered that the first floor of the prison has suppressed thousands of heavenly soldiers, generals and jade kings.
Outside, the fairy lock is still a strong enemy, and the whole heavenly palace is surrounded by several heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.
What’s the matter?
Wang Xuan heart annoyed slowly got up …