(The system is under consideration …)

(Tong decided to have supper)
Fang Ning rolled his eyes, and you learned to be lazy.
However, he then reacted. It seems that it took too long to brush the three monsters and turn them into dragons, which made Uncle Tong work too hard and needed to supplement nutrition. He didn’t even want to cook dinner.
Xia Kejia flew to the "Fangshiwei" old shop at high speed. Although it was late at night, it was still crowded with people and in good order. The other day, the manager of Zhao Ying changed it to a 24-hour business, and the store was greatly expanded.
Seeing the appearance of the male god these days, Zhao Ying has been working specially at night. There is no way for the male god to return to the male god. However, the 300,000 high credit card bill is about to expire. Although her salary has risen several times, it can’t be too high. After all, the store has only been three months. Even if it is phased, the pressure is great.
Chivalrous man A will never forget seeing Uncle Zhao Yingtong at a glance.
It and Fang Ning ran in a hurry before hitting the spider, and there was no checkout. An otaku like Fang Ning naturally wouldn’t take this kind of thing to heart. It’s not like he ate. He forgot to clean it long ago.
Xia Jiaqian said, "Oh, I forgot to pay the bill because I was busy in the second seat. Let’s count it together this time."
Zhao Ying doesn’t even know what to say, "No, I already paid for it for you."
As soon as the knight-errant armor handed over, "Thank you very much for that one. It’s a simple and folkway seat. Although I have done something, I never thought it would be difficult to ask for this kind of return. You are still thinking about it."
What? Why don’t I get it? Don’t you know that I’m being polite? You should go on saying "How dare you" and thank me, and then give me some gifts and settle the bill?
A face of Meng forced the manager of Zhao Ying to repeatedly determine that the expression of the male god is serious or not and tell jokes with himself to detain his heart and complain.
Playing games in an orthodox Internet cafe, Fang Ning heard a conversation between two people and cried for a mouthful of old blood. Zhao Yingtong’s shoes. You don’t know that uncle Tong’s personality can be saved, and it can’t be said that it violates uncle Tong’s chivalrous attribute just now, because it can harm the city of Okumo and save your life. From its point of view, it’s nothing against chivalry to help him pay the bill.
Is Fang Ning soft-hearted? After all, Zhao Ying doesn’t know what he was saved before.
Uncle Tong can eat more, but he knows that the price of that single order depends on the annual salary of Zhao Yingtong’s shoes. After all, he still knows how much the owner of this store gives others.
He quickly asked Uncle Tong to stop the trusteeship and said, "Oh, the seat is a joke. Will the identity of the seat let a woman check out and forget it later?"
Zhao Ying didn’t dare to lose her mind again this time. She quickly smiled and welcomed the knight-errant armor in and prepared a separate set for him.
After all, Fang Ning’s status is getting higher and higher now, especially before the battle. If it weren’t for Fang Ning’s brainwave, Yu Pei would have lost the baby in vain, but how much money can’t buy the baby at this time.
While the knight-errant armour was feasting, teams of well-trained soldiers in the jurisdiction of Qi City were working in shifts all night to inspect the mutant giant rats area by area.
They have specially modified life detection instruments that can detect whether there are giant rats in the tens of meters, which was unimaginable before.
In the information command center of Moxingte Special Affairs Office, I watched this scene silently through the screen. Next to him, some leaders of Qi City’s geological institutions all looked heavy.
As a place is marked with giant rats in bright red, a detailed map representing the jurisdiction of Qi City is gradually dyed red.
And everyone’s mood is getting heavier and heavier.
Finally, a leader couldn’t help wondering, "Why are there so many people? What do they all live on?"? I haven’t heard of a large number of food thefts? "
Mo Xing said faintly, "Giant rats can eat anything, and their recipes are wider than their homes, and their stomachs have stronger digestion. They have already dug through the waterways. There are a lot of swill and food residues discharged into the waterways by restaurants everywhere, and garbage points in major garbage dumps and even road garbage bins are found near the holes leading to the ground. Every day, a lot of organic garbage is stolen from our city, and a total of one million people can’t eat the waves every day. It is not a problem to feed a million giant rats. In a sense, they are the best garbage cleaners."
Hearing this figure, the leaders of these places all turned pale. They knew that once an accident broke out one day, the millions of giant rats rushed out, which could not be stopped by millions of people. What should we do unless all the people could produce? Do you want to be economical?
Someone asked, "How can we solve them? We have asked him face to face and said that many cities have also experienced giant rat disasters, which can be controlled by local special offices and local institutions. No good solution has been developed yet, and the local garrison can be temporarily entrusted to support them. The only good news is that they rarely appear in the vast rural areas and will not affect important agricultural production. "
MoXing cold tunnel "that’s not good news. It says that they are smart enough to be similar to people. What’s more, their appearance in cities is very simple, so that we can tie a lot of effective military means with human beings. Who dares? Who dares to bear the danger of spreading to several citizens in the end, whether it is chemical weapons or biological viruses? It is even more terrible for them not to affect agricultural production. "
MoXing don’t want to say a sign for the center next to Liu, deputy director of the answer.
Vice President Liu said, "This should be because they have the idea of sustainable development. Since they want to develop and expand their population, they can’t do without adequate food. At this stage of the planet, the largest amount of food can be sustained in batches. We humans have it. Many cities have serious waves, even if there are no waves, there are many food residues that we can’t digest, but they are delicious."
A leader "no wonder we rarely hear about giant rats attacking people. It turns out that they have to rely on our food, which is fortunate in misfortune."
Vice President Liu, "I’m afraid that one day they will learn from us to grow food. Then why will they keep so many people like us to wave those precious foods?"
Chapter 49 Be happy with hunting.
I stayed up all night thinking about solutions with several local leaders, and Mo Xing returned to his office.
He just wanted to take a nap, but before he slept on the sofa, an officer knocked at the door and reported that the truth handler had come again.
"Who are they?" Moxing holds his temper. He won’t get angry with people around him.
"I don’t know if there are two people waiting in the reception room. Did they show the truth, the name and identity of the special certificate, and didn’t say anything about letting you receive it in person? Are they here to help us solve the giant rat problem?" The officer answered carefully.
Mo Xing’s face lit up with joy. The problem of giant rat is his biggest headache recently. He is almost helpless. Chivalrous knight A is nothing compared with the fact that he was recruited by the Truth Office. After all, it seems to him that it is more related to his personal promotion.
But this giant rat problem is a top priority that affects the lives and safety of the people in a place, and he still clearly shares the public and private priorities.
Although he complains a lot about the truth handlers, he will never cause trouble in these places, but he will resist his temper and cooperate if he wants the other party to help solve the business.
The appearance of the other party at this juncture, as the director said, is likely to solve the problem of giant rats.
"That’s great. I’ll be right there." Moxing was cheerful. He got up quickly and walked a few steps to bypass a few turns before he came to the reception room of the Special Office.
Pushing the door and entering the reception room, two people sat down. When they saw each other’s tight faces, Mo Xing’s intuition sank and told him that this was definitely not the person who helped them solve the problem. On the contrary, it should be two people who created the problem.
Both of them are middle-aged. A man and a woman are both over 50 years old. The woman’s forehead is somewhat similar to that of the former White House three sisters. Although she looks older, there are still many charming colors. I am afraid that the men who are their direct relatives are good-looking, but her forehead has some ferocious colors.
"Are you the special manager here?"
Middle-aged men have a dignified voice, so they question Moxing’s condescending attitude.
Mo Xingxin is unhappy. Since the establishment of the Office of Special Affairs, he has been holding a large party. Although it is nominally a main position, even though the actual level of several major leaders of local institutions is very high, those leaders are also polite to him because of the complicated situation of vitality recovery.
How can this man be happy when he comes with a questioning attitude?
Mo Xing held back his temper and hoped that the other party had come to solve the problem of giant rats. "I’m Mo Xing, the special agent of Qicheng. What are you doing here?" Can you send official documents? "
Middle-aged man: "I don’t need that thing. I’m a special inspector of the Truth Office. I have to check your local special affairs office at any time to prevent being mixed with evil things."
Mo Xing’s heart is really furious, which means that if you don’t cooperate with him, you have to identify your own evil rhythm?
MoXing "that you come in a hurry in the morning is to want to spot-check our qicheng special affairs? However, at present, the rat disaster in Qicheng is so serious that I hope you can help me think of a solution by the way. We are grateful to cooperate with your investigator. "
The middle-aged man is angry but seems to think of something and suppress his anger. "Hum about the great rat disaster and me! Don’t rap with me here. I’ll ask you directly. Yesterday, my three daughters came here to absorb a guy named Knight A into the truth office. Where are they? "
Mo Xing Zheng, he also came to the other side on business, perhaps to solve the problem of giant rats. He only endured staying up late and was uncomfortable. He happily came to personally receive it. You know, he is also 35 years old, and his cultivation method is good for mind cultivation, but it is not suitable for warming his body. The actual physique is not as good as it is.
But he didn’t expect the two men to get here early in the morning. The truth office gave the picket status, broke into the headquarters of the Secret Service Office, and then stayed up all night. Is it his private business to call?
Mo Xing suppressed his anger. He knew that this person was not easy to handle. "At that time, there was an official document handover. They said that they asked me to cooperate to find the rest of the knight-errant. I didn’t ask me to take care of everything. I have a video card with me."
In order to prevent all kinds of accidents, it is natural to keep a portable video recording tool, and to record important things at any time and leave a certificate for later analysis.
Middle-aged man "show me all the video materials"
Mo Xing smell speech frightened this man is really reckless and rampant. He opened a special agent himself. How dare this man freely ask for his own video information!
You know, all the information must go through formal procedures to prevent leakage, especially in the Secret Service. Many of the information is top secret, which is extremely harmful. He said that he is a truth office picket, not to mention that he has not yet obtained a certificate, but he has to go through layers of procedures to examine and approve these confidential information. Who is he? Can you go and see it in spoken Chinese?